I’d like to say that I have had a better week than last week. But I cannot. I completely ignored any rules last Sunday. We went for a long walk and had a scone with jam. In the evening we had a take-away. Oh dear.

During the week I reverted to the diet. There was only one slight error when I discovered that my wife had put apple in a salad. I’m not supposed to eat fruit during the week. 

The alcoholic misdemeanours were not as excessive as they seem. On Tuesday I enjoyed a bottle (or two actually) of wine with an old friend. There was a good white Burgundy on the menu. Gentle reader: it was meant to be. Other than this, I ate within the guidelines (pictured). 

The other days I shared a bottle too. I suspect that this is too much. The weight is not shifting, so the mild enjoyment of alcohol may have to stop. The daily ketone test says that I’m in ketosis. But the weight statistics are not going in the right direction.

More shocking news. I have a social event on Monday night (i.e. drinks). I have a business dinner next Wednesday and I will have to use a “pass” that day. Life is getting in the way. Next time I agree to a dinner it won’t be at a posh pizza restaurant. Oh dear.