I’ve completed the first week of dieting in the new year. And I’ve had a good week, at least since 3rd January.

I managed 30 minutes on the exercise bike most days and on other days, I had a long walk.

I have only eaten one meal a day. Yesterday I ate a very large meal on my cheat day. On Saturday’s I’m allowing a large meal including carbs. I ate a roast dinner with some cheesecake afterwards.

Actually it was far too much. There was a second Yorkshire pudding (not pictured). Despite all of this food and the inevitable sugar crash, my weight has still gone down over night and I am in mild ketosis this morning.

I have not had a drink since the 3rd. And I have not had the desire to have one either.

Next week I need to do a full week of dieting. I suspect this will be difficult. Also I have not been outside to get fresh air as much as I should. Unfortunately this is a result of exercising in the house.

But so far so good. Here are the statistics so far: