I went to London yesterday to meet a few people in person. I always get tired when I travel to work, partly because I’m not use to it. I generally work from home. All I could manage last night was to eat dinner and watch the recently restored Rambo First Blood.

On the drive on the way home, I started to crave junk food. The target of my lust was a Filet-O-Fish. The flaky white non-descript fish with the crunchy orange cover. And of course the industrial quality tartare sauce and nuclear-grade cheese.

It’s my fault of course. I have a keto buddy who is doing a similar diet. The idea is to offer support in times of need. But, I was gently ribbing her yesterday about how her next job will be at a well-known fast food outlet. This craving must be the result of karma.

Oh well. But on a serious note, the tiredness (more than usual) and the cravings mean that things are beginning to work. My weight is continuing to descend gradually, but I’m a little under par.

This morning I woke naturally around 6:45 and got straight up. I’m a little sluggish but my concentration is good.

This is the beginning of the dip where dieting will get hard for a week or two. The dip applies to everything.

  • People who join the gym in January find it hard in February and then quit.
  • Brand new products sell very well when early adopters buy them. But then the interest drops until they make a more accessible version (e.g. the iPad 1 vs 2.0)
  • Projects often start well when everyone is enthusiastic and engaged. But start to fail when the first hurdles are encountered.

Seth Godin calls it the dip. Gartner call it the Trough of Disillusionment. And you can find similar ideas in business management books.

Pushing through the dip is key to long-term success. It can be hard. That’s why I have a keto buddy. I just hope she doesn’t take the job at the burger outlet. For one thing, she’d have to retrain…

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