Maybe the ketosis strips have worn out. The result this morning is 0.5mmol/l. I expected zero. Here are the week’s statistics:

I’d always planned January 20th as a complete cheat day. In December, we booked a lesson to learn how to make Focaccia. And the 20th was the day. We handmade bread and pasta. Then hazelnut and chocolate cake. They were excellent. And I had two small glasses of wine. This was also planned. In the evening, I rounded it off with a curry. I didn’t eat to excess.

Anyway that will be the last such day for a long time. Today I’m back on it and not falling completely out of ketosis is a head start.

We also have a new dog. After the lesson in west London, we collected him from Reading. He’s being re-homed and we will have a challenge for the next months settling him in. He is a lovely well-meaning dog though, so hopefully he will settle quickly.

This means that we are now home folks focused on hounds. We will be the annoying people with the dogs at the pubs and restaurants. We will not be able to go away very much. But this is a choice. For the next few months, I need to get my weight down and my health back on track. Walking two dogs every day helps.