I’m not talking about swimming in a particularly dirty river. I’m talking about turning up, giving the activity lip service and not putting the effort in. I’m afraid this describes my approach to dieting now.

This week I declared my latest effort on One Meal A Day dead. I’m back to Two Meals a Day, usually lunch and dinner. I also had a couple of bottles of wine. For example, on Wednesday I popped out with a colleague. We were able to navigate the menu and order big steaks with vegetables. For dessert we had cheese. But we had plenty of wine with it.

Unfortunately an excess of alcohol will not help with a diet. I should not be drinking at all, but I find it difficult to socialise without a glass of wine in my hand.

Everything else is in order though. I exercise five times a week (usually an hour walking with the dogs or 30 minutes on the exercise bike). I also do light weight training. But my weight is fluctuating between 80.5 and 81.5 kilos. I want this to be below 80. I’m not sure what to do about it yet, other than to keep going and see what happens.

Here are the statistics.