It’s been a month since I posted on this blog. I have been very busy. I’ve taken a lot on. I’m taking French and Russian lessons. I have two Russian conversations partners. And I’m trying to finish a section of a book. Also we’ve upgraded the blockchain software twice in one month. Did I mention that I have been very busy?

What are the consequences then? Well, I haven’t done as much exercise. I can’t get out during the day on Monday and Tuesday, and that sets the week off to a bad start. I’ve been getting up a bit later because I’m tired. And consequently I have not been doing any weight training.

Also I’ve had a few glasses of wine. Nothing too over the top, but in the last quarter I’ve drunk wine. In the first quarter of the year I drank very little.

And finally, the summer is here. But I haven’t been out on my bike yet.

For all these reasons, my weight loss has stagnated and I’m fluctuating between 81 and 83kg. This is not good enough. But the next priority is to take a week off from everything. No lessons. No work. Maybe a bit of writing, but lots of walks and rest. See you in two weeks. I will start to post my weekly statistics again, but in the meantime you’ll have to make do with these graphs: