In July I gained a kilo of fat. This must have happened during my holiday and the conference the following week. I was slack. Also I’ve been quite slack generally. I had slightly too much wine and too many peanuts between meals. I’m not getting enough downtime from the computer either. So I need a reboot.

But not yet. This starts on August 13th for several reasons including a short break. If I start now I will fail fast and that means I’m not likely to continue.

So here are the rules starting August 13th. They are very prescriptive and they need to be. Clear rules are easy to follow.

  • Up by 7 every morning and either take the dogs for a walk or 30 minutes on the exercise bike.
  • During the week, weight training - 4 body parts.
  • Two meals a day. No snacks. Low carb all days except one cheat day a week.
  • No alcohol except for one drink (1 G+T or 250ml wine) on the cheat day.
  • Switch off by 2000 and bed by 2200 at the latest.

I need to do this until Christmas, but realistically I need an escape hatch. I will allow myself two complete passes.