From a work perspective, it was a productive week. The team moved servers without too much hassle. We also reorganised a comms room in preparation for a bigger project. And bizarrely everything came back online without any problems.

From a diet perspective, it is probably the “worst” week I’ve had this year. I lost all motivation to even think about diet. Even my colleagues queried the takeaway I had in my hand yesterday.

I’ve been in Paris and Zurich this week. The diet started to decay on Sunday when I arrived at the airport. Southend airport is, how should we put it, limited on options. So, I had a burger. Then on arrival to Paris I decided to get off the metro at Gare du Nord and have a meal at Terminus Nord. One French Onion Soup, Steak Frites and Profiteroles dinner later, I was on the way to breaking diet for the week.

Then several of the team took a train from Paris to Zurich. The buffet car on the train was, how should we put it, limited on options. So, I had a cheeseburger.

On arrival in Zurich, I had the comms room and data centre work to do. There was some physical work and two long days. I stayed in a self-catered apartment with no desire to self-cater. An apartment on a work trip is great to get away from everyone, but that is not the best option. So, it’s been a week of isolation and unhealthy eating.

I keep saying it, but I need to reboot again. It hasn’t been a great quarter for diet and I need to up my willpower on the road to Christmas. I would post the progress table but it is mostly red.