Well, ‘tis the season to be jolly. Fa la la la la, la la la la. Etc.

It all started in Manchester on the 1st of the month. I was at Old Trafford in the Tezos booth. And the hospitality was splendid. But it was my cheat day. And all was good.

The next day I flew to Paris. In Manchester airport, I had a full English breakfast to recover. Whoops. And later in the evening, I had a full meal at the Terminus Nord in Paris. The rest of the week was relatively successful, keeping to one meal a day even if it included carbs.

But I’m afraid that trip set the pace for the rest of the month. I haven’t been following the diet very well at all. By far the worst week was last week. I had two nights out at the beginning of the week following by a night where I had a live X space. On the Thursday I flew to Zurich for a team meal, flying back on the Friday extremely tired. All this squashed any attempt to diet.

So it’s fair to say last week was a write-off. This week is going to be a write off too. All I can do is regroup again in the new year.